The Gloucestershire Branch of NARPO has continued to grow over the years and now has over 1,070 members, including retired Police Officers and Police Staff, Widows & Widowers, Associate & Life members.
Elected from within the membership, the Branch Committee manages the Branch affairs and finances.
The rise in membership numbers and the development of the Branch and its services to members is due not only to the work of the Branch Committee.
We are grateful to the support of past and present Chief Officers, the Gloucestershire Branch of the Superintendents Association and the Gloucestershire Branch of the Police Federation.
We are especially grateful to the Police Federation for making their offices available for Branch Committee meetings, but they also agree to pay the first years membership subscription precept for Gloucestershire Officers who join NARPO immediately upon their retirement.
The Branch are proud to support the national NARPO “Pension for Life Campaign”, where we seek to end the injustice where some widows and widowers will loose their pension if they co-habit or marry again.
Gloucestershire NARPO serves our members in this County beloved of Royals and tourists alike, and though it may seem to be just The Cotswolds, there is so much more than that in our County.
The Royal Forest of Dean, a hunting ground of Tudor Kings, was also once a major coal mining area and is a place of ancient rights and traditions. History abounds with Tewkesbury Abbey, Gloucester Cathedral and The Docks.
The Branch Committee works hard to provide support and welfare for its membership, arranging monthly coffee mornings across the County, its quarterly newsletter provides in depth commentary on the activities of its members, keeping them in touch with friends and former colleagues alike.