Gloucestershire Constabulary

Gloucestershire Constabulary
The NARPO Group has been subsumed over time into its current title of the “Gloucestershire Constabulary Archive Group” whilst continuing to maintain and enhance the Constabulary’s and its partners Archive.
This work has led to the Constabulary and the Police & Crime Commissioner working in partnership with the Gloucestershire County Council on the “For the Record” Project. This has enabled the Constabulary Archive records to be preserved in the best conditions for years to come making the Constabulary records truly accessible to the public and other interested parties. It has also seen the creation of the Heritage Hub where a number of different archive volunteer groups will be housed, creating a fully interactive hub. More information and regular updates regarding the Project can be found on the Gloucestershire Council Website.
The Gloucestershire Constabulery Archive Group is currently made up of a variety of volunteers. It is always seeking new volunteers and there are many different ways in which you can help with the Archives. The Constabulary Archives now has its own website as a showcase of some of the Archive information.
For those who are looking to trace their family history this is indeed a valuable resource. Many have indeed over time traced their families military history and here is the opportunity to see what their relatives did for the Gloucestershire Constabulary and the residents of the County.
Contact details for the Constabulary Archive Group are as follows: