For local NHS Information click here.
Central to this is having a passionate and committed Welfare Coordinator, we here in Gloucestershire are very lucky to have Lorraine, she is a police widow and qualified Nurse with many years experience working in the NHS, so she really knows & understands not only what its like living in a “Police family”, but also what our NHS can provide and the best routes to getting it. She has attended various seminars held by National and Regional NARPO organisations looking at welfare for our members.
The Police Family and the NHS are both areas within which privacy and confidentiality are paramount and so it is very difficult to just jump in and help even though that is what we by our very nature wish to do. It is very often members, colleagues and family friends who first become aware of those who may require the support and assistance of our Branch Welfare Coordinator and we would urge those looking for us to assist to gain the consent from those needing our support for us to help.
By the very nature of the lives we have led where we overcame adversity and supported others we don’t like to ask for help, it makes us fiercely independent and that can sometimes be difficult to breakdown, but that is what Welfare is for, to support, but we need to be invited in first.
We welcome any questions, though some answers may not be available immediately, hopefully we can speak to others to try and resolve any queries members may have.
Contact can be made direct by mobile phone or email :
Lorraine Cooke
Welfare Coordinator
Gloucestershire NARPO
Mobile: 07958 320344
Wellbeing Factsheets
- Physical Wellbeing in Retirement
- Living with or caring for someone with a physical disability
- The Loss of a Loved One
- Loneliness
- Sleep
- Staying Mentally Well
- Financial Concerns
- Dementia
- Caring for Loved Ones
- New Career
- Social Care and Benefits
- COVID-19 Factsheet
- Looking after your Mental Health during the Coronavirus Pandemic
- Supporting others during the Coronavirus Pandemic
- Helping Children to cope during the Coronavirus Pandemic
- Mortgages, buy to let and equity release
- Debt
- Coronavirus and Money
- Coronavirus and Money (Wales)
- Legal Matters
- Menopause
- Cyber Crime
- Neurodegenerative conditions
- Carer Fatigue and Stress
- Dementia
- Mental Health & Debt
We will ensure all members are kept up to date with Pension information. Though we cannot compete with the excellent information in the NARPO magazine, we will try to ensure that all members have correct contact knowledge.
All information and enquiries for Gloucestershire Police pensions should be forwarded to:
XPS Administration
PO Box 485
Telephone: 0330 0545490
E-mail Address:
When calling XPS please see there contact advice
beforehand – What we need from you
In cases of Bereavement XPS would prefer initial contact ASAP by Telephone on 0330 0545490, the following will be needed:
Death certificate of the member
Birth certificate of surviving spouse
Marriage certificate
Initially the pension will be stopped to ensure no over payment, hence the need to contact XPS asap.
Full pension will be payable for first 13 weeks, then the pension entitlement will be arranged.
Members are urged to check the information held by XPS concerning their pension is correct, to do this go to the below link and complete the sign up section. –
For those members who receive their pension from Avon & Somerset the following is the contact information:
Peninsula Pensions
Great Moor House
Bittern Road
Sowton Industrial Estate
Telephone 01392 383000