Dear Members,
We are fortunate to have the support of the University of Gloucestershire who are offering FREE clinic services as below:-
It is that time of year again when the third-year students on the Sports Therapy Course will be running a free clinic for members of the public. This is a free clinic for all members of the public, regardless of age and is supervised by a qualified Sports Therapist.
The clinic will operate on Tuesdays and Fridays from 09.30 with the last appointment at 3.15pm. Appointments last 1 hour and 15 minutes. Bookings can be made using the link below but are blocked to allow booking 14 days before the appointment, so times may not appear until that time.
You do not have to be sporty or an athlete to book an appointment. All sorts or postural, aches, pains and twinges can be assessed and treated.
Kind Regards
Ian Dowling ; BSc (Hons); MSST; MFHT | Part Time Academic Staff and Clinical Supervisor for BSc Sports Therapy
Room SC119
School of Education and Applied Sciences
University of Gloucestershire
Oxstalls Campus,